Produktnummer. AAALT70302

Standard Venipuncture Arm (Light Skin Tone)

8.485,40 kr Priset inkluderar inte skatter eller leveranser
Skin Tone:

The new and improved Standard Venipuncture Arm is an ideal trainer for basic and advanced learning. Incorporating a unique skin-locking system (patent pending) and modular vein systems to accurately simulate venipuncture, IV cannulation, and IV infusion training.

What are the benefits of these new model Venipuncture arms?

Unique Skin Locking System - ensures the model is easy to re-skin whilst maintaining the lifelike palpability and haptics of the underlying basilic, cephalic, dorsal metacarpal and median cubital veins.

Vein Gripping - new innovative vein gripping mechanism works in conjunction with the new arm skin to further enhance realistic and repeatable training.

Modular Metacarpal & ACF Veins - splitting the basic vein structure into two separate modules allows for better cost efficiency, ease of use, and replacing sections individually will reduce waste.

Gravity System Blood Supply - improvements to stability of the mock blood flow simulator, and extended tubing, allow for greater versatility during simulated patient training exercises.

Take a look at how easy it is to re-skin and re-vein our IV arms. (Limbs & Things YouTube channel, runtime 1m 10s.)



  • Vein structures are now modular with a separate ACF vein and Metacarpal Vein, allowing for replacement of individual parts
  • New and improved skin-locking system (patent pending) improves arm re-skinning after replacing a vein module
  • New vein gripping system allows for easy re-fitting and positioning of veins
  • Veins are palpable with realistic haptics for accurate clinical use
  • Infusion tube allows for intravenous fluids to be administered
  • Improved, gravity blood system


  • Arm provides a realistic blood flashback upon insertion of needle
  • Improved arm skin offers a more realistic look and feel
  • Veins in the metacarpal & ACF modules are palpable
  • Realistic representation of the antecubital fossa (ACF) and metacarpal regions
  • Gripping systems secures veins in a true-to-life position


  • Arm is compatible with vacuum blood collection systems, needles & syringe, and IV cannulas
  • Extended tubing allows for extra maneuverability in the classroom for use with a simulated patient


  • Flush liquid from the vein and fluid system before storing your product
  • Clean the skin surface with a damp soft cloth, using warm water and mild detergent
  • Allow skin to thoroughly dry before storing


  • Only use Concentrated Venous Blood supplied with the arms, or product numbers 00020 & 00021, other fluids may weaken or damage the venipuncture simulator
  • Use water-based lubricant to fit arm skin over the venipuncture arm base
  • Veins contain latex, however, these are covered by the silicone arm skin during procedures

Simulerad patient

  • Suitable for use with a simulated patient to test communication skills


Sites for peripheral venous cannulation

  • Dorsal metacarpal vein in the hand
  • Antecubital Fossa (ACF) vein in the arm

Metacarpal Vein Module anatomy 

  • Basilic vein 
  • Cephalic vein 
  • Dorsal metacarpal veins 

ACF Vein Module anatomy 

  • Basilic vein 
  • Cephalic vein 
  • Median cubital vein 


  • Intravenous Cannulation in dorsal metacarpal and ACF sites
  • IV infusion
  • Venipuncture
  • Practice of aseptic techniques
  • Communications skills when using a simulated patient
  • Product Image

    Venipuncture Arm Skin (Light Skin Tone)

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Basic Standard Advanced
What's included 70304 70302 70300
- Venipuncture Arm Core Yes Yes Yes
70312 Venipuncture Arm Skin (Light Skin Tone) Yes Yes Yes
00302 Venipuncture Arm Rest Yes Yes Yes
00020 Concentrated Venous Blood Yes Yes Yes
00335 Venipuncture Arm Infusion Tube Yes Yes Yes
70309 Basic Venipuncture Arm Vein Yes No No
70306 ACF Vein Module No Yes Yes
70307 Metacarpal Vein Module No Yes Yes
70316 Gravity System Blood Supply Yes Yes No
70315 Pressurized Venipuncture Supply No No Yes
- Micropore Tape Yes Yes Yes
- Lubricant Sachets (x3) Yes Yes Yes
00303 Refill Bottle No No Yes
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