Vår injektionsdyna med mjukvävnad är designad för att öva intradermal, subkutan och intramuskulär injektionsteknik. Injektionstränaren har flera lager av vävnad som representerar epidermis, dermis, fett- och muskellager. Injektionstränaren kan enkelt träs på över armen eller låret för att träna kommunikation mellan läkare och patient.
- Epidermis-lagret kan enkelt skalas av för att snabbt frigöra subkutikulär vätska.
- Vävnaden är mjuk och varm vid beröring
- Rem för hybridsimulering
- Slitstark, utbytbar epidermis
- Latexfri
- Epidermis, dermis, fett och muskler
Skills Gained
- Subkutan injektion
- Intradermal och intramuskulär injektion
- Hantering av vävnad
- Kommunikation mellan läkare och patient
Works with the following products:
AAMC (2008) - Recommendations for Preclerkship Clinical Skills Education for Undergraduate Medical Education p.29 Appendix 7: Clinical Procedures. Correctly perform subcutaneous and intramuscular injection • Maintains aseptic technique, the proper angle and depth of needle insertion. Performs the process of injection, and proper disposal of the needle
Health Workforce Australia, Medical Graduate Competency Framework Stage 2 Final Report, 2012 Procedure: Subcutaneous injections, intramuscular injections - Performed in the clinical environment under structures supervision
CPMEC Australian Curriculum Framework for Junior Doctors version 3.1, 2012, p.31 ...provide safe treatment to patients through competently performing certain procedures... Injection of local anaesthetic to skin Subcutaneous injection Intramuscular injection Administration of IV medications, injections and fluids
Practical Skills and Procedures, General Medical Council, April 2019, p.6 Prescribing 17. Prepare and administer injectable (intramuscular, subcutaneous,intravenous) drugs... and prefilled syringes
NMC Future nurse: Standards of proficiency for registered nurses, 17 May 2018, p.37 11.7 administer injections using intramuscular, subcutaneous,intradermal and intravenous routes and manage injection equipment
NHS National Practitioner Program: Matrix Specification for the Physician Associate (2016). p.127: Core Procedural Skills: Injection- IM Injection –SC (Insulin, LMW Heparin)
GMC Outcomes for provisionally registered doctors with a licence to practise (The Trainee Doctor), 2015 p. 8: Core clinical and procedural skills ...: Injection of local anaesthetic to skin, Injection – subcutaneous (eg insulin or LMW heparin), Injection – intramuscular
College of Paramendics, Paramedic Curriculum Guidance (3rd Edition Revised 2015) C 1.7.3 Apply collaborative pain assessment and management.
How do you replace the Epidermis on the soft skin injection simulator?
The epidermis can be easily removed, and a replacement can be transferred onto the injection simulator using our Epidermis Wallet included with the kit. For full details on the process, you can view our user guide
Do you offer replacement parts for the Limbs & Things Injection Trainer?
Yes, we offer a bundle that includes a Skin Pad and Muscle block for the Injection Trainer which can be easily and quickly replaced.
How thick is the epidermis layer of the Injection Trainer?
The epidermis layer comes with a standard thickness between 0.5 – 0.8mm which is representative of the average thickness of common injection sites seen on the human body.