Professionell huddyna Mk 2 - mörk hy, liten (4-pack)
Skin Tone
En avancerad huddyna med tre lager för demonstration och övning av olika typer av snitt och en mängd olika suturtekniker. Ljus hudton och stora dynor finns också tillgängliga.
- Dynans storlek: 125mm x 72mm
- Vävnad med realistisk respons och mjuk hud med en dragning och styrka liknande en människas hud
- Samtliga lager har ett realistiskt bibehållande av stygn
- Ser till behoven för både specialister och nybörjare
- Används med Hudhållare till suturdyna (ingår ej)
- Latexfri
Skills Gained
- Snitt: linjär, ellipsformad, flikar, formad
- Subkutikulär underminering
- Simpel och avancerad avbruten sutur
- Subkutikulära suturer
- Kontinuerlig sutur
- Häftning
- Användning av klisterremsor
AAMC, Recommendations For Clinical Skills Curricula For Undergraduate Medical Education (2005, p. 30): Appendix B: Clinical Testing and Procedural Skills: ...Suturing technique; Surgical knot-tying; Removing sutures and staples
Adult-Gerontology Acute Care And Primary Care NP Competencies 2016, p.42 Primary care practice skills which includes, but is not limited to: • Suturing
AAFP Recommended Curriculum Guidelines for Family Medicine Residents Urgent and Emergent Care (2016, p. 9): a. Repair of skin lacerations (including plastic closure)
ACGME Obstetrics and Gynecology Milestones, Version 09/2013, Patient Care, p.6 Demonstrates basic surgical skills, including: simple suturing suture and staple removal
ACGME General Surgery Milestones (p.8): This resident has basic surgical skills such as ... knot tying, simple suturing, suture removal...
Health Workforce Australia Medical Graduate Competency Framework Stage 2 Final Report, 2012 Simple wound repair including skin suture - Performs in a simulated environment
CPMEC Australian Curriculum Framework for Junior Doctors version 3.1, 2012, p.31 Skills & Procedures: Surgical knots & simple suture insertion
RACGP Curriculum for Australian General Practice 2016, CS2.2.5 Appropriate procedures, p.39 • suturing
Practical Skills and Procedures, General Medical Council, April 2019, p.6 Therapeutic Procedures 21. Carry out wound care and basic wound closure and dressing. Provide basic care of surgical or traumatic wounds and apply dressings appropriately.
Competence and Curriculum Framework for the Physician Assistant 2012 p.16 2.4.8 Skin - Undertake simple skin suturing
The Intercollegiate Surgical Curriculum, General Surgery 2013 (Updated 2018) (p.51) Module 3 Basic surgical skills... o To incise and close superficial tissues accurately o To tie secure knots