Kliniskt Manligt Bäcken (KMB) Mk 2 - Standard
Skin Tone
Vår anatomiskt noggranna modell är en idealisk plattform för undervisning och lärande av manlig bäckenundersökning och diagnos. Den användarvänliga designen kombinerad med tydliga anatomiska landmärken och en rad patologier skapar en realistisk träningserfarenhet för studenter på alla nivåer inom vårdutbildning. Utvecklat i samarbete med: The Clinical Skills Resource Centre, University of Liverpool, UK Imperial College, London, UK Guys Hospital, London, UK Southmead Hospital, Bristol, UK University of Southampton, UK
- Anatomically accurate male simulator that allows for realistic practice of the male pelvic exam
- A Foreskin Pack is included to practice procedures on both circumcised and uncircumcised anatomy
- Mjukdelskönsorgan och bukvägg
- Mjukdelsinlägg kan tas bort och bytas ut
- Kan användas i två positioner: stående och liggandes på rygg
- Hudytan kan tvättas med tvål och vatten
- Latexfri
Simulated Patient
- The Clinical Male Pelvic Trainers can be used with a simulated patient
- Buk, bäcken och könsorgan
Ljumskens anatomi med tydliga anatomiska landmärken:
- Spina iliaca anterior superior
- Blygdbensfog och tuberculum pubicum
Könsorganet består av:
- Penis - både omskuren och icke-omskuren
- Pung - som innehåller testiklar med bitestikel och sädesledare
Skills Gained
- Korrekt undersökningsförfarande för manliga bäcken
Undersökning och utvärdering av:
- Normal anatomi
- Testikulära abnormiteter
- Buk- och bäckensmärta
- Torr kateterisering
Jämförelse |
Produktnr. |
Färdigheter | 60950 | 60951 |
Korrekt undersökningsförfarande för manliga bäcken | Yes | Yes |
Undersökning och utvärdering av: | ||
Normal anatomi | Yes | Yes |
Testikulära abnormiteter | Yes | Yes |
Buk- och bäckensmärta | Yes | Yes |
Torr kateterisering | No | Yes |
Product Contains
Jämförelse |
Produktnr. |
Vad ingår | 60950 | 60951 | |
60952 | KMB Mk 2 Modul 1: Normal | Yes | Yes |
60953 | KMB Mk 2 Modul 2: Varikocele | No | Yes |
60954 | KMB Mk 2 Modul 3: Tumörer | No | Yes |
60955 | KMB Mk 2 Modul 4: Spermatocele | No | Yes |
60956 | KMB Mk 2 Modul 5: Hydrocele | No | Yes |
60957 | KMB Mk 2 Modul 6: Orkit/bitestikel-orkit | No | Yes |
60958 | KMB Mk 2 Modul 7: Ljumskbråck | No | Yes |
60959 | KMB Mk 2 Bukinsats | Yes | Yes |
60960 | KMB Mk 2 Blygdben | Yes | Yes |
60961 | KMB Mk 2 Förhud (x2) | Yes | Yes |
- | Nedre torso | Yes | Yes |
- | Stödbas | Yes | Yes |
- | Väska (modell) | Yes | Yes |
- | Väska (moduler) | No | Yes |
- | LED-penna | No | Yes |
Works with the following products:

KMB Mk 2 Modul 1: Normal

KMB Mk 2 Modul 2: Varikocele

KMB Mk 2 Modul 3: Tumörer

KMB Mk 2 Modul 4: Spermatocele

KMB Mk 2 Modul 5: Hydrocele

KMB Mk 2 Modul 6: Orkit/bitestikel-orkit

KMB Mk 2 Modul 7: Ljumskbråck

KMB Mk 2 Bukinsats

KMB Mk 2 Förhud (x2)

KMB Mk 2 Blygdben

CMPT - Upgrade Kit - LST
RCN Competencies - Advanced Nurse Practitioners, 2012, p.4 ...receiving patients with undifferentiated and undiagnosed problems and making an assessment of their health care needs, based on highly-developed nursing knowledge and skills ... such as physical examination
AAFP Recommended Curriculum Guidelines for Family Medicine Residents, Men’s Health Reprint No. 257, 2016 p.3 Perform a comprehensive male physical examination, including urogenital... p.5 the resident should demonstrate the ability to independently perform or appropriately refer the following: 1. Male-specific examination a. Penile/testicular/scrotal exam c. Hernia/inguinal exam
CPMEC Australian Curriculm Framework for Junior Doctors v 3.1, 2012, p.7: History and Examination: Performs a comprehensive examination of all systems; Elicits symptoms & signs relevant to the presenting problem or condition. Discriminates between the possible differential diagnoses relevant to a patient's presenting problems or conditions
RACGP Curriculum for Australian General Practice 2016, SH16 Sexual and Reproductive Health Essential skills for general practitioners to develop and maintain include: ...undertaking a sensitive genital examination, if appropriate, to assess risk, determine appropriate assessment, investigation and management
not relevant
CPMEC Australian Curriculm Framework for Junior Doctors v 3.1, 2012, p.7: History and Examination: Performs a comprehensive examination of all systems; Elicits symptoms & signs relevant to the presenting problem or condition. Discriminates between the possible differential diagnoses relevant to a patient's presenting problems or conditions
Competence and Curriculum Framework for the Physician Assistant 2012, p 12 2.3.5 ...Perform a physical examination tailored to the needs of the patient and the demands of the clinical situation, including ...male uro-genital examination
Specialty Training Curriculum for Core Medical Training, 2013 p.86: Perform full examination including...scrotum, male urethra
The UK Foundation Programme Curriculum 2016. p.9: obtains history, performs clinical examination, formulates differential diagnosis and management plan (FPC 11)
The Intercollegiate Surgical Curriculum, Urology Surgery, Aug 2015 p.20 Recognise the common malignant and potentially malignant conditions of the penis...Diagnose and manage patients presenting with scrotal symptoms such as hydrocele, epididymal cyst, varicocele