Designad i samarbete med läkare. Modellen och den medföljande appen kombinerar fysisk övning med vägledning av teknik. Modellen utgör en plattform för repiterad träning och inlärning av axelinjektioner på de fyra vanligaste ställena. Den medföljande android-appen möjliggör för användaren att visualisera underliggande anatomi. Den signalerar även framgång. Detta bidrar till ökad precision och inlärningshastighet. Appen länkar till ShoulderDoc som ger information och instruktioner om axelinjektionstekniker.
- Palpation för att hitta de fyra vanligaste injektionsställena
- Direkt feedback när användaren identifierat ett korrekt injektionsställe
- Flera tillvägagångssätt för injektioner tillåter olika preferenser
- Lämplig träning för doktorander
- Appen visar en 360 graders vy av underliggande anatomi och injektionsställen för att underlätta lärandet
- Appen finns tillgänglig på fem språk: Engelska, Spanska, Mandarin, Franska och Tyska
- Kostnadseffektiv utbytbar hud
- Diskreta muskel- och hudlager för realistisk nålkänsla
- Varje hud tål upp till 500 injektioner per injektionsställe (1 ersättningshud medföljer)
- Enkel Bluetooth-anslutning mellan app och modell
- Kräver endast en standardnål (medföljer)
- Batterier (2x AA medföljer) håller upp till 500 timmar
- NOTE: Shoulder Trainer contains electronics, do not submerge product in water
- Remove batteries from unit before cleaning
- Clean product with a damp cloth
- Allow product to dry thoroughly before storing
- Latexfri
- Modellen är designad för användning med Android-enheten som medföljer; om du planerar att använda en annan enhet, vänligen kontakta oss för kompatibilitetsdetaljer
- En enhet krävs för varje axel som används för träning
Simulated Patient
- Shoulder trainer can be used with a simulated patient
- Vuxen, manlig torso med höger axel
- Innehåller alla relevanta landmärken och strukturer
- Akromioklavikularled
- Skulderled
- Sulcus intertubercularis
- Bursa subacromialis
Skills Gained
- Landmärkespalpation för att identifiera injektionsställen
- Injektioner på de fyra vanligaste ställena
- Flexibilitet att lära flera tillvägagångssätt för specifika injektionsställen
- Roatation av axeln för att lokalisera överarmsbenets ledkula
Product Contains
Comparison |
Palpation with Tablet | Palpation without Tablet | Ultrasound Guided |
What's included | 70219 | 70220 | 70221 |
Palpation Guided Shoulder Module (70223) | Yes | Yes | No |
Ultrasound Shoulder Module (70224) | No | No | Yes |
Shoulder Torso (70226) | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Spare Shoulder Skin (Palp, 70222) | Yes | Yes | No |
Android Tablet (with preloaded app) | Yes | No | No |
2 x AA Batteries | Yes | Yes | No |
Needle Set (70108) | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Filling Kit (70217) | No | No | Yes |
Synovial Fluid (250ml, 70022) | No | No | Yes |
Carry Case | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Elbow | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Ultrasound Gel | No | No | Yes |
Works with the following products:
Adult-Gerontology Acute Care And Primary Care NP Competencies 2016, p.42 Primary care practice skills which includes, but is not limited to: • Joint aspiration and injection. Nurse Practitioner (NP) and Physician Assistant (PA) Rheumatology Curriculum Outline, American College of Rheumatology (ACR) and Association of Rheumatology Health Professionals (ARHP), 2017, p.8 Perform procedures, as agreed upon by the supervising/collaborating rheumatologist and NP/PA: 2. Joint and soft tissue injections (adult) a. Indications and contraindications b. Large and medium joints (i.e., knee) ... e. Subacromial space
Nurse Practitioner (NP) and Physician Assistant (PA) Rheumatology Curriculum Outline, American College of Rheumatology (ACR) and Association of Rheumatology Health Professionals (ARHP), 2017, p.8 Perform procedures, as agreed upon by the supervising/collaborating rheumatologist and NP/PA: 2. Joint and soft tissue injections (adult) a. Indications and contraindications b. Large and medium joints (i.e., knee) ... e. Subacromial space
AAFP Residency Guidelines, Musculoskeletal and Sports Medicine, Reprint No. 265 (p.4): Indications, limitations, contraindications, and informed consent for office-based musculoskeletal procedures such as: a. Common joint aspirations b. Common joint injections c. Common injections for bursitis d. Common injections for tendinopathy
Core Curriculum Outline for Rheumatology Fellowship Programs, American College of Rheumatology, 2015 "Demonstrtae competency in obtaining synovial fluid from diarthrodial joints, bursae, and tenosynovial structures."
Royal Australasian College of Physicians, Rheumatology Advanced Training Curriculum, Royal Australasian College of Physicians, 2013, p.8 "be competent in the use of appropriate diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, including joint and soft tissue injection and aspiration."
ACSEP CURRICULUM, Australasian College of Sports and Exercise Physicians, 2017 Demonstrate proficient and appropriate use of procedural skills, both diagnostic and therapeutic. Assessment: Direct Observation of Procedural Skills (DOPS): Subacromial joint space injection Acromioclavicular joint injection
RAGCP Lifelong Learning Curriculum: Appropriate Procedures (2016): guided and unguided musculoskeletal injections (eg trigger point, joint, bursal, intra-articular, carpal tunnel, nerve blocks) The RACGP Curriculum for Australian General Practice 2011: Musculoskeletal Medicine, Royal Australian College of General Practitioners. Identify and acquire musculoskeletal procedural skill competency levels appropriate for the required service provision level, eg. if performing joint injections ensure skill competency level has been acquired.
The RCGP Curriculum: Professional & Clinical Modules, The Royal College of General Practitioners, 2016, p.327 . You may also consider attending courses offering joint injection training.
Specialist Training in Trauma and Orthopaedics Curriculum August 2015, p.43 and 52: "Shoulder: Investigations: Diagnostic and guided injections" "Elective General: Aspiration / injection shoulder joint"
Specialty Training Curriculum for Rheumatology, Joint Royal Colleges of Physicians Training Board, 2010 p.24 Practical procedures: to aspirate and inject joints competently using the appropriate techniques Competency is required in all of the following core procedures: o Shoulder: Joint: Glenohumeral joint, ACJ. Soft tissue: Sub-acromial bursa.
Specialty Training Curriculum for Sport and Exercise Medicine, Joint Royal Colleges of Physicians Training Board, August 2010, p.53 Skills (mandatory): Safely inject major joints including shoulder, elbow, knee and ankle
What type of shoulder injections can be performed on this shoulder simulator?
There are four main types of shoulder injections that can be taught with the palpation guided shoulder simulator:
- Glenohumeral joint injection, from both a posterior and anterior approach, used for pain relief in treating arthritis and frozen shoulder
- Subacromial space injection, used for pain relief of subacromial impingement, rotator cuff impingement or tendinosis
- Acromioclavicular joint injection, used for pain relief of osteolysis of the distal clavicle and osteoarthritis of the joint
- Bicipital groove injection, used for pain relief of biceps tendonitis
Can I use this model for self-directed learning?
Yes, the Shoulder Trainer has an accompanying app which allows trainees to view expert guidance on best practise for joint injections. Instant feedback from the model will give positive reinforcement once the correct site is hit.