Den här modulen är ett valbart tillägg för PROMPT Flex standard (AAALT80100) och avancerad (AAALT80106). Produkten tillåter träning i hantering av postpartumblödning och ger en realistisk simulering av en atonisk och kontraherande livmoder.
- Blodförlust upp till 2 liter kan simuleras
- Air bulbs används för att simulera blodflöde och kontrollera atoniskt tillstånd av livmodern
- Atonisk livmoder kan simulera sammandragning vid massage av fundus
- Kan snabbt och enkelt placeras i PROMPT Flex Moder (AAALT80120) för att simulera situationer där blödning sker direkt efter förlossning
- Clean components with a damp sponge and mild soapy water
- Allow components to dry thoroughly before storing them away
- Artificial blood is non-staining when used correctly
- Use the recommended or provided simulated blood, other products may weaken or damage your simulator
- This product is latex free
- The blood used with this product now contains a new preservative which is approved for use by EU cosmetic regulations which means that, once diluted, it is safe for extended skin contact.
- Recommended to use gloves, as the pigments may stain skin and clothes.
Simulated Patient
- All products in the PROMPT Flex birthing range can be used with a simulated patient
- Uterus (can represent boggy and atonic)
Skills Gained
Hantering av postpartumblödning:
- Massage av fundus
- Bi-manuell kompression
- Isättning och hantering av hemostatisk ballong
- Kommunikationsfärdigheter vid träning med simulerad patient
- Intramuskulär injektion
- Uppskattning av blodförlust
Product Contains
AAFP Residency Guidelines, Maternity Care (p.9): Emergencies: recognize signs and symptoms of potentially life-threatening emergencies during the peripartum period .... with obstetric consultation, co-manage placental abruption/hemorrhage
National Association of State EMS Officials: National Model EMS Clinical Guidelines (page. 146, 2016): Childbirth: ...recognize complicated delivery situations; apply appropriate techniques when delivery complications exist; Shoulder Dystocia, Prolapsed Umbilical Cord, Breech Birth, Postpartum Hemorrhage
RANZCOG Curriculum, 3rd Ed. (Nov. 2017) page 65 Procedural & Surgical Skills - Obstetrics; ....Management of PPH
RCOG Core Module 12: Postpartum Problems (the Puerperium) Clinical Competency: ....Primary, secondary and other postpartum haemorrhage
How difficult is it to attach the PPH Module to the PROMPT Birthing simulator?
The PPH module can be set up quickly and easily in just a few minutes, ensuring that limited time is taken away from teaching. Simply, unclip the ring clamp and attach the uterus module before attaching the skin cover.
What are the ongoing costs associated with the PPH Module
Blood refills can be purchased as a 250ml concentration that dilutes to 2.5 litres. The diluted blood can be recollected and reused. (Attach link)
Is the postpartum Hemorrhage module reusable?
Yes, the PPH module is fully reusable as the module was designed to only require artificial blood and air. The procedures involved do not cause damage to the module over time, allowing it to be reused.
Does the Postpartum hemorrhage module come with blood?
Yes, this module comes with a concentrated venous blood starter pack (250ml), which can be diluted to provide 2.5 litres of artificial blood. If refills are required they can be purchased separately.