Kombinerar den unikt konstruerade AirSim-luftvägen med broskringar, krikoidalbrosk och larynxbrosk. De nya AirSim X-modellerna erbjuder: Mjukare, mer realistiskt hudmaterial för förbättrad intubering Förbättrade leder som innebär mindre kraftavändning för att se luftvägarna Hud, näspassage och luftväg kan enkelt och snabbt bytas ut
- Anatomisk riktig näshåla med viktiga landmärken såsom tydligt definierade näsmusslor
- En uppblåsbar tunga med verklighetstrogen storlek och textur
- Valbar subkutan fettvävnad för att demonstrera svårare trakeostomi och koniotomi
- Utbytbar nackhud som tål upp till 20 snitt
- Hudytan har naturtrogen känsla
- Realistisk respons vid luftvägshantering
- Realistiska drag såsom: kännbara broskringar, krikoidalbrosk och larynxbrosk för att underlätta identifiering av halsgropen
- Wraparound neck skins can be rotated to maximise the number of procedures performed per skin
- Included adhesive pads can be attached to the suction cups to allow for greater stability
- Thoroughly clean the airway with warm, soapy water or mild detergent, until foreign matter and residue is removed
- As a further step to fully sanitise the product, use an alcohol spray (75%+) and wipe off (This can be performed on both the silicone and latex parts of the manikin)
- Components inside this trainer contain latex
- Ensure use of protective gloves when handling the latex airway
- Spray lubricant on the airway and equipment prior to use, to aid the procedure and reduce risk of damage to the material
- Do not use strong detergents or enzymatic cleaning agents on this trainer, such as, germicides, disinfectants, chemical agents, ethylene oxide, phenol-based or iodine containing cleaners
- Adult male head and neck created from CT DICOM scan data
- Larynx with identifiable sternal notch, tracheal rings, and cricoid & laryngeal cartilages
- Tongue, inflatable to replicate oedema
- Nasal passages
- Lung and stomach bags
Skills Gained
- Kirurgisk och nålkoniotomi
- Perkutan trakeostomi
- Dubbel intratrakeal intubering
- Andningsballong-tekniker
- Komplett utbud av supraglottiska enheter
- Direkt-laryngoskopi
- Video-laryngoskopi (inkl. Sellicks manöver)
- Intratrakeal intubering
- Fiberoptisk undersökning, vaket tillstånd
- Insättning av kombitub
- Insättning av nasogastrisk tub
Jämförelse |
Produktnr. |
Färdigheter | AATC14 | AATC1 |
Dubbel intratrakeal intubering | Yes | Yes |
Andningsballong-tekniker | Yes | Yes |
Komplett utbud av supraglottiska enheter | Yes | Yes |
Intratrakeal intubering | Yes | Yes |
Fiberoptisk undersökning, vaket tillstånd | Yes | Yes |
Insättning av kombitub | Yes | Yes |
Direkt- och video-laryngoskopi | Yes | Yes |
Kirurgisk och nålkoniotomi | Yes | No |
Perkutan trakeostomi | Yes | No |
Insättning av nasogastrisk tub | Yes | No |
Product Contains
Jämförelse |
Produktnr. |
Vad ingår | AATC14 | AATC1 | |
- | Modell för AirSim Avancerad X | No | Yes |
- | Modell för AirSim Kombo X | Yes | No |
- | Lungpåse - vuxen | Yes | Yes |
- | USB användarmanual | Yes | Yes |
- | Väska | Yes | Yes |
- | Larynxinlägg (x4) | Yes | No |
- | Glidmedel | Yes | No |
Works with the following products:

Combo X Head Skin & Nasal Connector (Dark Skin Tone)

Adult Base Plinth

Black Carrier Bag (Adult)

Trucorp Lubrication

Adult Lung Bags & Stomach (set of 3)

Combo Larynx (pack 50)

Wrap Around Neck Skin (pack of 5, Dark Skin Tone)

Super Saver Cric Training Pack (Dark Skin Tone)

AirSim Combo Airway

Suction Cup & Adhesive Pads Set (Pack of 8)
AAMC Recommendations for Clinical Skills Curricula for Undergraduate Medical Education, 2005, p.26-27 Basic airway management (clearance, bagging) Cricothyroid membrane puncture technique Laryngoscopy/endotracheal tube placement
AAFP Reprint No. 285 Recommended Curriculum Guidelines for Family Medicine Residents, Urgent and Emergent Care, p.7-8 1. Airway management b. Ensuring airway patency and the use of advanced airway techniques i. Bag-valve mask ventilation ii. Oral endotracheal intubation in children and adults, including rapid sequence intubation iii. Laryngeal mask airway (LMA) e. Cricothyroidotomy
SCORE Curriculum Outline for General Surgery 2017-2018, p.25 16. Surgical Critical Care - Operations/Procedures • Airway Management 27. Head and Neck - Diseases/Conditions • Upper Airway Obstruction
National Association of State EMS Officials: National Model EMS Clinical Guidelines (2017), p.8 5.a.i.4 Airway: use of the appropriate airway management adjuncts and devices: oral airway, nasal airway, blind insertion, or supraglottic airway device, laryngeal mask airway, endotracheal tube
HealthWorkforce Australia Medical Graduate Competency Framework Stage 2, Final Report, August 2012, Appendix G Airway Management (see ARC guideline) including: chin lift/head tilt manage partial airway obstruction or complete airway obstruction guedel & nasopharyngeal insertion bag & mask ventilation
CPMEC Australian Curriculum Framework for Junior Doctors v 3.1 2012 Skills and Procedures, p.31 Airway care including bag mask ventilation with simple adjuncts such as pharyngeal airway
Paramedics Australia Paramedicine Role Descriptions,Scope of practice, p.4 Intermediate life support including use of supraglottic airway devices Emergency management of the unconscious patient, cardiac arrest, asthma, anaphylaxis...abnormalities of ventilation
GMC About the Outcomes for Graduates 2017, p.28 22 Carry out nasogastric tube placement safely, understanding the contraindications to nasogastric tube use, and assess whether a nasogastric tube is correctly placed
Future nurse: Standards of proficiency for registered nurses,17 May 2018, p.36 8.6 manage airway and respiratory processes and equipment
Competence and Curriculum Framework for the Physician Assistant 2012 Physician Assistant Managed Voluntary Register, p.16 2.4.1 Participate in cardiopulmonary resuscitation to the level expected in Immediate Life Support Training: including ... bag intubation 2.4.3 Insert a naso-gastric tube
2009 Core Medical Training curriculum (amendments approved 28 August 2013), p.47 Perform Basic Life Support competently as defined by Resuscitation Council (UK): ...airway manoeuvres, bag and mask ventilation
The Foundation Programme Curriculum 2016, Section 3: Clinical Care, p.69 15. To initiate and perform immediate adult life support comprising cardiopulmonary resuscitation, simple airway management
Intercollegiate Surgical Curriculum,General Surgery, October 2013 p.127 Formal tracheostomy p.133 Surgical airway management in severe head and neck injury: Cricothyroidotomy
College of Paramedics Paramedic Curriculum Guidance, 3rd Edition 2015 – Practice Placement Areas, p.39 C 4.2.2 develop and consolidate the skills and techniques of advanced airway management. These will include laryngeal mask airways (LMAs),supraglottic airways, and may include endotracheal intubations (ETIs) in a clinical setting
The College of Emergency Medicine Curriculum and Assessment Systems For Core Specialty Training ACCS CT1-3 & Higher Specialty Training ST4-6, June 2010 (revised 2012) p.111-113 CMP2 Cardio-Respiratory Arrest: Perform basic life support competently as defined by Resuscitation Council (UK): ... airway manoeuvres, bag and mask ventilation CMP3 Major Trauma: Undertake emergency airway management including how to perform a cricothyroidotomy
If I order the AirSim Combo X model, what can I expect to receive in the box?
The AirSim Combo X simulator comes ready to use in the box, and has a larynx and neck skin fitted for instant use. Each model comes with an additional 4 larynx inserts, a bottle of TruCorp Lubrication, adhesive pads with suction cups, and is packed in a durable storage bag.
How frequently will we need to purchase additional consumables for this airway management trainer?
Each component has a different life-span, the most common are listed below:
- Wraparound neck skins – each neck skin can be rotated between procedures, with efficient use, a skin can be used for 10 to 15 procedures
- Larynx inserts – a single larynx insert can be used for one surgical crichothyroidotomy and three tracheostomy procedures
- Combo X head and neck skin – the head skins should not need replacing unless physical damage occurs
- AirSim airway – the airway should not need replacing, the design has been mechanically tested and accredited for over 20,000 intubation cycles
What equipment is recommended for use with the AirSim Combo X airway manikin?
While the AirSim Combo X is compatible with a full range of supraglottic devices, the following are recommended by the manufacturer for optimal performance:
- 7.0-7.5mm ID for nasal intubation
- 8.0-9.0mm ID for oral intubation
- Size 3-5 for LMA laryngeal masks
- Similar respective sizes for other supraglottic devices