AirSim Kombo X
Kombinerar den unikt konstruerade AirSim-luftvägen med broskringar, krikoidalbrosk och larynxbrosk. De nya AirSim X-modellerna erbjuder: Mjukare, mer realistiskt hudmaterial för förbättrad intubering Förbättrade leder som innebär mindre kraftavändning för att se luftvägarna Hud, näspassage och luftväg kan enkelt och snabbt bytas ut
- Anatomisk riktig näshåla med viktiga landmärken såsom tydligt definierade näsmusslor
- En uppblåsbar tunga med verklighetstrogen storlek och textur
- Valbar subkutan fettvävnad för att demonstrera svårare trakeostomi och koniotomi
- Utbytbar nackhud som tål upp till 20 snitt
- Hudytan har naturtrogen känsla
- Realistisk respons vid luftvägshantering
- Realistiska drag såsom: kännbara broskringar, krikoidalbrosk och larynxbrosk för att underlätta identifiering av halsgropen
- Wraparound neck skins can be rotated to maximise the number of procedures performed per skin
- Included adhesive pads can be attached to the suction cups to allow for greater stability
- Thoroughly clean the airway with warm, soapy water or mild detergent, until foreign matter and residue is removed
- As a further step to fully sanitise the product, use an alcohol spray (75%+) and wipe off (This can be performed on both the silicone and latex parts of the manikin)
- Components inside this trainer contain latex
- Ensure use of protective gloves when handling the latex airway
- Spray lubricant on the airway and equipment prior to use, to aid the procedure and reduce risk of damage to the material
- Do not use strong detergents or enzymatic cleaning agents on this trainer, such as, germicides, disinfectants, chemical agents, ethylene oxide, phenol-based or iodine containing cleaners
- Adult male head and neck created from CT DICOM scan data
- Larynx with identifiable sternal notch, tracheal rings, and cricoid & laryngeal cartilages
- Tongue, inflatable to replicate oedema
- Nasal passages
- Lung and stomach bags
- Kirurgisk och nålkoniotomi
- Perkutan trakeostomi
- Dubbel intratrakeal intubering
- Andningsballong-tekniker
- Komplett utbud av supraglottiska enheter
- Direkt-laryngoskopi
- Video-laryngoskopi (inkl. Sellicks manöver)
- Intratrakeal intubering
- Fiberoptisk undersökning, vaket tillstånd
- Insättning av kombitub
- Insättning av nasogastrisk tub
Jämförelse |
Produktnr. |
Färdigheter | AATC14 | AATC1 |
Dubbel intratrakeal intubering | Yes | Yes |
Andningsballong-tekniker | Yes | Yes |
Komplett utbud av supraglottiska enheter | Yes | Yes |
Intratrakeal intubering | Yes | Yes |
Fiberoptisk undersökning, vaket tillstånd | Yes | Yes |
Insättning av kombitub | Yes | Yes |
Direkt- och video-laryngoskopi | Yes | Yes |
Kirurgisk och nålkoniotomi | Yes | No |
Perkutan trakeostomi | Yes | No |
Insättning av nasogastrisk tub | Yes | No |
Jämförelse |
Produktnr. |
Vad ingår | AATC14 | AATC1 | |
- | Modell för AirSim Avancerad X | No | Yes |
- | Modell för AirSim Kombo X | Yes | No |
- | Lungpåse - vuxen | Yes | Yes |
- | USB användarmanual | Yes | Yes |
- | Väska | Yes | Yes |
- | Larynxinlägg (x4) | Yes | No |
- | Glidmedel | Yes | No |
If I order the AirSim Combo X model, what can I expect to receive in the box?
The AirSim Combo X simulator comes ready to use in the box, and has a larynx and neck skin fitted for instant use. Each model comes with an additional 4 larynx inserts, a bottle of TruCorp Lubrication, adhesive pads with suction cups, and is packed in a durable storage bag.
How frequently will we need to purchase additional consumables for this airway management trainer?
Each component has a different life-span, the most common are listed below:
- Wraparound neck skins – each neck skin can be rotated between procedures, with efficient use, a skin can be used for 10 to 15 procedures
- Larynx inserts – a single larynx insert can be used for one surgical crichothyroidotomy and three tracheostomy procedures
- Combo X head and neck skin – the head skins should not need replacing unless physical damage occurs
- AirSim airway – the airway should not need replacing, the design has been mechanically tested and accredited for over 20,000 intubation cycles
What equipment is recommended for use with the AirSim Combo X airway manikin?
While the AirSim Combo X is compatible with a full range of supraglottic devices, the following are recommended by the manufacturer for optimal performance:
- 7.0-7.5mm ID for nasal intubation
- 8.0-9.0mm ID for oral intubation
- Size 3-5 for LMA laryngeal masks
- Similar respective sizes for other supraglottic devices