Bröstdrän- och nåldekompression har utformats för att uppfylla de specifika krav hos vårdpersonalens träning i kirurgisk eller guidewire-assisterad thoraxostomi och thoracentesis. Den här modellen tillåter en mängd olika tekniker för isättning av bröstdrän, inklusive ultraljudsguidade tekniker.
- Behållare kan fyllas med vätska eller konstgjort blod för att representera pleuralvätskeutgjutning
- Tvåsidiga dynor för bröstdrän- och nåldekompression
- Kan ge intryck av andning under ultraljud när den avancerade dynan används
- Luftbehållare för nåldekompression ger realistisk tömning av luft när nålen sätts in
- Kan användas liggandes på rygg, sittandes eller i en framåtlutande position
- När standarddynan används kan torax förslutas
- Prisvärda, utbytbara dynor
- Clean the product with a damp soft cloth or sponge, using warm water with mild detergent
- Always drain, clean and dry after use to ensure that the trainer remains in good condition
- Latexfri
- Representerar en vuxen mans torax med uppsträckta armar
Beniga och mjukvävnadslandmärken:
- angulus sternalis, nyckelben, revben, stora bröstmuskeln och ytliga ryggmuskler
Inre ultraljudsanatomi:
- membranstrukturer och punkterad lunga
Skills Gained
- Nåldekompression av en spänningspneumotorax (vid både 2: a och 5: e interkostala mellanrummet)
- Öppna eller nedskärning av bröstdränering: känna av rätt position, kirurgisk snitt, trubbig dissektion genom bröstväggen, perforering av pleura och fingersvep
- Suturera fast dränet
- Ultraljudstyrd bröstdräneringsinsättning (Seldinger-typ), inklusive införande av nål under direktsyn och ultraljudsigenkänning av bröstkonstruktioner
- Hantering av pleural effusion
Product Contains
Also contains:
- Chest Drain Needle Decompression Pump
- Chest Drain Respiratory Swing Pump
- 12 piece Slotted Retaining Knobs set with tightening key
Works with the following products:
Revbensram (vänster)
Revbensram (höger)
Bröstdrän avancerad dyna (x2)
Bröstdrän standarddyna (x2)
Bröstdrän Revben (x12)
Bröstdrän standarddyna (x10)
Bröstdrän- och nåldekompression
Bröstdrän lunga
Bröstdrän diafragma (x2)
Chest Drain Skin (Light Skin Tone)
National Association of State EMS Officials: National Model EMS Clinical Guidelines (2016, page 185): Trauma: If absent or diminished breath sounds in a hypotensive patient, consider tension pneumothorax, perform needle decompression
AAMC Recommendations For Clinical Skills Curricula For Undergraduate Medical Education (2005) (2005, p. 27): Chest tube insertion
Advanced Practice Nursing Procedures (2015, Section six, pages 488 - 491) Margaret R. Colyar : Respiratory procedures: Chest Tubes for Emergency Transport
RACS Essential Surgical Skills (page 17, Jan 2015): Chest Trauma perform insertion of Chest Tubes and Chest Drains
NHS National Practitioner Program: Matrix Specification for the Physician Associate (2016). p.68: Breathlessness: Perform chest aspiration and chest drain insertion
Specialty Training Curriculum for Core Medical Training, 2013 (p.56): Perform chest aspiration and chest drain insertion
GMC General Surgery Curriculum 2018 (p.67): Technical Skills and Procedures - Chest drain insertion Trauma & Orthopaedics Curriculum 2015 (updated 2018) (p.205): Technical Skills and Procedures, Module 6, Simulation - Chest Drain insertion Cardiothoracic Surgery Curriculum 2014 Module 6, Simulation Techniques - Chest Drain insertion (p. 43)
College of Paramedics, Paramedic Post Graduate Curriculum Guidance (2017, page) Section 3: Advanced Paramedic ...urgent & emergency care, and includes the development and attainment of the following skills, competencies and clinical expertise; ....Chest Drain
ICM Curriculum: Supporting Excellence for a CCT in Intensive Care Medicine, The Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine, 2021.
Trauma & Orthopaedic Surgery Curriculum, Intercollegiate Surgical Curriculum Programme, 2021
Is it easy to use mock fluids with the chest drain simulator?
Yes. Reservoirs in the back of the chest model can be filled with water for use in simulations. At the end of the training session, any remaining fluids can be drained via the tubes in the back of the model
It’s important to note that the Advanced Chest Drain Pads need to be securely fitted between the torso and the rib frames. Monitor the area as you add liquid to the trainer, if you see any leaking, stop and tighten the retaining knobs or replace the pad as appropriate.
Download the Chest Drain & Needle Decompression Trainer User Guide for more details.
Can medical student use ultrasound devices during training scenarios?
Students will be able to practice ultrasound techniques when using the Advanced Chest Drain Pads, specifically the Seldinger technique.
Is this Chest Drain Trainer model able to simulate breathing?
Though the Chest Drain Trainers don’t have a functional airway system, you are able to simulate “fluid swing” during ultrasound procedures. This is done by using the blue pulse bulb to agitate the fluid inside the torso while performing a scan.
Can the Russell PneumoFix® be used in practice sessions on the Limbs & Things Chest Drain model?
Yes. The Russell PneumoFix® chest decompression device is compatible with our Chest mannikins, for the practice of tension pneumothorax and pleural effusion.